Out the Gate


It was a honor to take a couple of paddlers from Minnesota, Greg and Art Larsen out the Golden Gate. Paul Tibbetts joined us.
We followed Paul's excellent lead using the CG's fog house as protection from the incoming flood, which was already happening at about one-half to 1 knot.
We paddled to Pt. Diablo Cove Beach which was full of flotsam ,jetsam and whalebones. Picked up trash and a souvenir for Greg.
We had a hot curry chicken lunch served over steaming rice. Completed a remote beach survey and relaunched.
We headed back in the lowering low clouds.


Tides- Major high tide at 5.9' at 2:48 pm-minor low tide at 1.1' at 8:38 pm. We launched at 11:45 am to discover a one half to 1 knot flood was occurring. The max flood current of 3.7 knots was 1:23pm

Water temp 60.6 degrees at Telegraph Beach 58.4 directly under the bridge. Air temps were 62-66 degrees

Cloudy and hazy with a few sprinkles

Wind NW 15 knots or less

Surface slight chop with some reverb waves

Synopsis Dissipating cold front- high, mid and low clouds present

See weather briefing before you go

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copyright Storm Steiger 2000

March 8, 2001