April 2001
Put in of the Month
Treasure Island
Tell the guard at the kiosk on the West side of the island that you want to access the public boat ramp on the NE side of Treasure Island. Drive like you would follow your compass or GPS to the NE side of the Island. This where a protected boat ramp awaits you.
This put-in offers excellent access to T.I. itself. A fun paddle is to circumnavigate the island.
For those paddlers who wish for more of a challenge, this put-in offers great access to the SF waterfront-but you must cross a major shipping lane to get to SF. Do your tide homework and usually it is downwind to paddle back to TI from SF.
Going East for experienced paddlers you can access the East Bay Regional Shoreline Parks and the Oakland waterfront. Figure the tides right but it is usually upwind or against the wind to get back to TI.
There's plenty of parking at this put-in. And the boat ramp is protected from the prevailing wind and swell direction which from the West/NW.
These are put-ins that I have used, and maybe totally different when you are there, in other words, paddle at your own risk.
Always check weather and ocean conditions before you paddle!
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copyright Storm Steiger 2000
sea kayakers have visited this page since it was created April 1, 2001