Jan 9, 2000
Scott George and I launched from the new Emery Bay Park created just to the west of where Ashby Ave. meets Interstate 80. A little parking lot on a point of land jutting out into the bay with a wooden bench forms the park adminstered by the East Bay Regional Shoreline. A nice little pocket beach made for easy launching.We paddled out and turned South under the Bay Bridge. Paddling across Oakland Harbor, 2 tugboats were readying a container ship for departure. I paddled under a pier on the West end of the harbor. We encountered the strongest ebb current (about 2 kts) of the paddle on the North side of the entrance to the Oakland Estuary. After looking both ways we crossed the entrance and landed on Whalebone Beach on the Western end of Alameda Island.
After recovering a few whalebones we set out for the take-out
and were rewarded with a beautiful sunset
We arrived at the take-out and discovered that this beach has a sandy bottom during the negative low tide so take out was easy.
High tide corrected; 6' at 1:01pm. Launchtime at 2:30pm. Arrive
at Whalebone Beach at 4 pm. stay till 5 pm. Arrive at take-out
6:30pm. Low tide corrected;-0.3 at 7:53pm.
Water temp 51.4° F Air temp 54-58° SW wind 10-15kts. South of Bay Bridge. W wind10 kts.- North of bay bridge Partly Cloudy sky
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