Big Island Paddling


National Historical Park

Place of refuge to 2 miles South

We had an ancient Hawaiian experience. We were heckled and jeered "outrigger's only"by some locals drinking beer at 11 am in a nearby park. Like the Hawaiians before us, we sought refuge in the open sea.

On the big island, this is how they outfit your rental car; a couple of pool noodles or foam blocks and then straps through the car. Close the doors and you're good to go!
You could see the rocks 20 feet under the beautiful, clear, blue-green water
We looked for a beach--or anyplace to land along these relatively young lava cliffs--but none could be found.
As we paddled we could see baby sea caves forming in the recent lava flows. Some people were jumping off the cliffs into the water.


Air temp.77-84 degrees

Water temp 76.7 degrees

Sky Cumulus clouds sunny just offshore

Wind light and variable under 10 knots

Swell 1-2 feet with occasional sets to 4 feet max

Current weak and variable

5 NM round trip

Site Map 


Short Stories 1

Short Stories 2

Seacave Story

Kayak Put-ins

Kayak Surfing Tips

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Red Rock

copyright Storm Steiger 2000

kayakers have visited this page since it was created May 30,2000